Friday, March 15, 2013

     The hunt is on... we have four places we will be touring this weekend for possible wedding / reception locations.  We don't want to give away too much yet, but on the down side, we have already had to cross off a few favorites because the date we want is so late in the fall that the location is already closed for winter at that point.  We are hoping for some decent fall weather in mid to late November, keep praying for that. We have pretty much decided on a theme however, and that is giving us something to work with. 
     This is us at the Sagrada Familia Church in Barcelona.  It is still under construction and scheduled to be completed in 2030.  I like to joke with Jessica and will sometimes just start chanting "Barcelona 2030!" as a possible location and date to get married.  And while I do have faith we will get married this year as planned, it would be awesome to go back to Barcelona between now and then and check the progress of the church, and again in 2030 to see the final, finished masterpiece of Gaudi.

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