First I wanted to say a huge Thank You to everyone who attended and helped with our wedding. The day was perfect and everything turned out just as Jessica...I mean we, planned it. :) To be fair, Jessica did have a specific vision and I give her tremendous credit for making it a reality and allowing us all to experience it first hand. It was truly magical. I'll post some pictures soon for those of you that couldn't make it or want to see it again.
We had a great time planning and implementing so many ideas and crafts that when it came time for the actual party we were in cruise control mode. I joked with Jessica that she didn't get to give her speech at the rehearsal dinner, but she was more than fine with that. We didn't really have much of a plan to that night other than for our guests to just eat, drink, socialize and have a good time. Just in case I did have a sort of off the cuff speech planned should I be asked to "say something." If you know us, Jessica and I are both "planners" and usually have at least one, if not two, backup plans floating around in our head. If you also really know us, then you'd realize that weekend, the planning, the decorations, the blood, sweat and tears, the blisters, the hot glue gunning, the miles of burlap and muslin, the cotton, every piece of barnwood, and every single light hung from the rafters was not about our dream wedding. It was so that you could enjoy our day with us. It was so you could participate in and be a part of our special moment. It was for you as much as it was for us. It was our gift to you, in helping us celebrate one of the most important days of our lives. So thank you again.
Now, I had previously mentioned something about a speech, and I'm a firm believer that all speeches, good and bad, should get a chance to be heard, so here is my rehearsal dinner speech that I had prepared just in case...
"Thank you for coming. For those of you who we haven't seen in a long time, or don't see that often, you may not even know how we met. We met on E-harmony. That is an online dating website, just in case you weren't familiar with it. It's a little more faith based and has a lot of security as opposed to some other "dating" sites out there. I never championed our story too much because for the longest time there was a stigma associated with meeting someone online. Most people's first thought is something off of "To catch a predator" or some other disastrous item they heard about on the nightly news. (Throw in my Chris Hansen impersonation "Hey there, I'm Chris Hansen. Why don't you have a seat there. What's in the bag?" ) However I've grown okay with telling our story as more and more people are meeting online, and even getting married. E-harmony boasts that over one million people have been matched and married from their site. That's a lot of people. We would both get questions like,"How do you know they are who they say they are?" I have several responses to that; first, it is a highly vetted program with many steps of security and communication. You have all the time in the world to verify who they are before you ever meet or even exchange phone numbers. I would trust this process any day of the week over meeting a true stranger in a bar or at some college party. Just sayin. Times are very different than they were even five years ago, and this is a prime example of that. Maybe I can convince Jessica to tell her "joining the Army" story later. It's classic.
So after we called on the phone, then Skyped, then finally met in person at Starbucks for coffee, the rest is history. One of us commuted almost every single weekend for over a year and a half. Which brings us to today. The fruits of our labor so to speak. There is no one else who I'd rather be spending the rest of my life with than Jessica. God has been very faithful to our prayers, and has proved that we operate on different time tables than Him. But He is faithful none-the-less. I know there were days and nights when Jessica and I both thought that we might be single for the rest of our lives. And in true "God-revealed-to-us" fashion, just as I had prayed the prayer that I was fine with being single and for God to use me in that capacity, He gave me Jessica.
Many people also ask questions about online dating like, "How can you meet your soul mate online?" Easy answer is God can use any tool, even a computer to put people together. But I am reminded of a movie quote from "A Stranger Among Us." It's a murder drama from the early 90s where a female police officer goes undercover in a strict Jewish community in New York. She learns all about Jewish customs and ways of live. And of course she even learns about love, or at least the concept of love that was different than hers. In the movie the concept of a Jewish soul mate, or Beshert, is explained to her. She doesn't understand because she thinks that a soul mate is someone you meet, like love at first site. It is something that comes pre-packaged in a relationship. If you didn't marry your soul mate, then you are bound for divorce, or at the very least an unhappy marriage. Here is the quote :
"With all the hard work, with constant giving to their spouse, they will create an irrevocable bond. Through their family activities and community involvement they will deepen their unity. Their sense of intimacy and connection will only grow over time. Beshert is what you get after you pay your dues. Beshert is what you get when you put someone else’s needs before your own. Beshert is what you get when you keep pushing forward no matter how rough the road. Beshert is what you get after years of struggle and joy, years of pain and celebration, years of effort and laughter."
Beshert in Yiddish means "your perfect match, your destiny, your soul mate." I love this idea that your beshert is someone you grow with over time. You build that relationship. It is not pre-packaged and has no bearing on the start of your relationship. You foster it, nurture it and it grows to be fruitful with deep roots. I'm excited to start that journey with Jessica and I already consider her my beshert. Once again, thank you for coming and I hope everyone has a great evening."
So that's my wedding speech. It probably sounds a bit more light hearted in person, but you get the meaning. I'm writing this at a conference in Austin, TX and I find it absolutely hilarious that I just got a "gift" from room service. There was a knock at the door and when I opened it I was being presented with a tray of chocolate covered strawberries and a bottle of champagne. Now, keep in mind I'm here alone since Jessica needed to work. I told the nice young man there had been a mistake and that I didn't order anything. He said it was a gift. I still told him that it was probably a mistake and he had the wrong room. Well, the card on the tray did have my room number on it. He said it would be explained in the card and that the gift was mine. "Sure, come on in, set it down over there." I exclaimed wondering who it could be from. He set it down and left with a smile. I opened the card to read "Enjoy Your Weekend! Love, Your Materials Marketing Family." Well, two things; first, it's Thursday and I'm leaving Friday. So no weekend will be involved here. Second, I have no Materials Marketing Family. But thanks for the champagne. It looks nice and it'd be shame to waste it. I'm going to wait a few more minutes because I'm sure as soon as I pop that top they'll come looking for it to give to the correct people. :) To bad I don't like strawberries. Jessica would love those if she was here.