Monday, July 8, 2013

     Seems like two months between posts is a recurring theme, so we'll roll with it for now.  We have both been fairly busy with work, family life and of course planning a wedding.  We had huge checklists that we've been able to slowly start to whittle away at and get them to a more manageable size.  The majority of the "large" items have been dealt with and we are starting to focus on the details now.  Some items in the "rear view" since my last post include the wedding dress, the brides maid dresses, Caterer, wedding cakes, most flowers, table planning, and the Wedding DJ. 
     Recently we also started working on plans to convert Jessica's house from a single w/ 3 cats, 2 dogs house to a married w/ 3 cats, 1 dog house. We went took inventories of our "stuff" and worked on what we would get rid of, combine or replace.   We also worked on some new paint colors and some minor decorating ideas for the house as well.  We were able to replace all the blinds in most of the house with beautiful full length curtains this past weekend.  We'll post some pictures when we are through painting so you can get the full effect, but here are some of the colors we are using, along with our Jessica's new shower curtain:
     This past weekend was the 4th of July and we had a great time cleaning, making wedding plans, and of course visiting with many friends and family.  We were able to go see Despicable Me 2 on Sunday and in preparation we made Minion cupcakes on Friday night:

Still more planning to do as we really start to look into decorating the barn and all details that go along with that.